Sunday, September 15, 2013

Planning for Instruction!

When creating a unit plan, it is important to keep certain things in mind. The teacher must formulate specific strategies that will need to be followed in order for the goal of the lessons to be achieved.

The first type of instruction that should take place in the unit plan is direct instruction. At the start of a unit, it is very likely that the students have little to no understanding of the topic at hand. This type of instruction can be used to develop the students' basic skills and knowledge. However, a good unit will begin with a grabber. It is very important that the teacher presents the unit in such a way that it draws the attention of the class. One way a teacher can begin a unit is by creating a Wordle. The teacher can carefully select words and concepts to include in the Wordle. When showing the Wordle to the class, the teacher can assess the students prior knowledge by asking if they recognize any of the words.

The next form of instruction that should take place is a more indirect approach. Students should be given the opportunity to develop their understanding of a topic by investigating it further. The students are leading their own learning and have the teacher as a support or a guide for their learning. The teacher can provide the students with a problem to solve. Inquiry based lessons allow students to apply their basic knowledge and skills in order to develop a better understanding of a topic. Inquiry is about metacognition. Students are required to think about the reasons behind their thinking and provide evidence for the correct answers found. From this, each student will be able to gather their own information and then should be encouraged to share his or her new knowledge with his or her peers. Students should then be given some sort of project that can demonstrate a deeper understanding of a topic.

While planning instruction is very important, it is also critical that the teacher is able to assess the students' understanding as the lessons are being conducted. As teachers, it is important to observe the students and their answers to the questions proposed. It is also important to cater to the different types of learners. Different forms of instruction should be used throughout the unit because all students learn differently.

Differentiated instruction will provide students with different approaches to learning the material. Direct instruction involves providing students with the necessary information so that they are able to pass a written test. It really does not allow for the teacher to see if the students truly understand the material or if they are simply memorizing information for a test. On the other hand, inquiry based instruction requires the students to investigate and be the leaders in their own learning. As a result, this type of instruction demonstrates a higher level of thinking in the students and can be used to show a greater understanding of the material. 

This course requires me to create my own unit plan. I think that the information provided in the Powerpoint presentation will be very helpful in doing so. I think that it is will be beneficial for me to remember that differentiated instruction will help all students learn the content. I am very excited to use what I have learned when creating my own unit plan. 

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