Monday, September 23, 2013

Visual Mapping...A Different Approach

Visual Mapping 

Learning occurs when the reading is transformed into a different form. By creating visual maps, teachers can encourage students to become active readers. Students can incorporate creativity with the key ideas from what they are learning. Below, you can see the visual map that I created while reading a chapter in my textbook. This map demonstrates the steps for developing a well-constructed unit plan.


While creating my visual map, I felt that I became a more active reader. Although this is not my preferred method of taking notes, this process helped me to focus on my reading and really understand the key components of developing a unit plan. Using visual maps in the classroom can help students better their reading, understanding, and learning. Visual mapping allows for the students to organize and connect the concepts that they are learning. 

This method of note taking promotes learning at every level by assisting students in grasping and organizing the information that they are reading. Also, students will be making connections between and among concepts. Lastly, students can use this technique to help them make sense of the information that they are receiving. Because this is a visual method of learning, students are able to "see" the information. For many students creating a visual allows for the students to process, understand, and retain the information that they are learning. 

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